Trademark Administration
Take control of your brand!
At IP Dots, we understand trademarks. We understand that trademarks are closely related to domain names, which makes it almost impossible to have a strategic look at domain names without also including trademarks.
Therefore, we can offer to assist with complete administration of your trademark portfolio, from registration and renewal to monitoring and enforcement – as well as the development and implementation of an actual trademark strategy.
Domain names are the closest you get to digital trademarks, but only registered trademarks provide protection – and legal right to domain names.
Therefore, trademarks are important in terms of securing the right to, and take into use, domain names that match your brand.
FREE trademark review
We would like to offer you a complementary analysis of your trademark portfolio and provide our recommendations in relation to maximum protection of your brand on all relevant markets.
The best solution requires the best people
To give our clients access to trademark administration and enforcement of the same high quality as our domain name management solution, we have entered into a strategic partnership with one of the most recognized law firms in Denmark.
We ensure that you, through our partner’s experienced and recognized IP lawyers and legal experts, are presented with solutions that provide maximum protection for your brand on all relevant markets.
Vores Spidskompetencer
Vores afgørende spidskompetence er vores tætte og ærlig samarbejde med vores kunder.
Dette er også grunden til at vi stadig stolt kan sige, at ingen kunder endnu har valgt os fra.
- Du sparer tid og omkostninger på administrativt arbejde. De fleste kunder sparer imellem 25-50% på deres budget, fordi vi levere konkurrencedygtige priser og et arbejde i høj kvalitet.
- Vi leverer individuel rådgivning og vejledning på baggrund af over 10 års brancheerfaring.
- Du får én direkte kontaktperson, som altid sidder med overblikket over din løsning
- Objektiv, ærlig og proaktiv rådgivning
- Du får direkte adgang til support 24 timer i døgnet.
- Et samarbejde som bliver 100% tilpasset dine behov og budget.
For at du nemmere kan få et overblik over mulighederne er det altid helt uforpligtende at tage kontakt til os og få et pristjek.
Så kan vi sammen danne os et overblik over, hvilke muligheder der måtte være og ikke mindst, hvordan vi løser opgaven bedst muligt.
Can register and manage trademarks in most countries.
International Presence
Local offices in Denmark, USA and China.
We customize our service set-up to match your unique situation and needs.