Privacy policy

Website owner and contact information

IP Dots

IP Dots respects your privacy. This declaration of confidentiality describes your right to privacy and our commitment to protect your personal information. IP Dots’ ambition is to be fully transparent in regards to how we practice our privacy policy and the settings you can choose in regards to your personal data that are processed by us.

Usage and accept

This confidentiality declaration applies to all business processes with IP Dots and for all of IP Dots websites, domains, mobile solutions, and social media (for instance Facebook).

Personal data is information which can identify you as a person, such as email address, a street name, or a phone number. Processing of your personal data is necessary for us to be able to do our job and service our clients. By giving us your personal information you accept the practices and conditions, which are described in this confidentiality declaration. Please do not use our website and do not give out your personal information if you do not agree with the confidentiality declaration.

Which data do we process?

IP Dots processes data about job applicants, contacts, and software users amongst our clients, which includes people that represent potential new clients who visit our website or other channels. Our declaration concerning that is in the section about data management.

We also process data about our clients’ employees and other people’s data which the client controls. Our policy in this regard is in the section about data processing.

In this declaration the person registered could also be referred to as person or you.

IP Dots as data responsible

IP Dots controls personal data, which we gather in regards to you looking for work, or for instance if you are employed with a client, who has, or has had, a business relation to us, or if you declare you would like to receive information from us, based on your own interest, or the interest of your employer. When you represent a client towards us, your rights are the same, as if you were a private person who only represented yourself.

IP Dots is situated in the European Union and is therefore subject to the European legislations and directives on data protection and the right to privacy. Our policy for the protection of personal information and guidance respects and abides to EU Directive 95/46/EF, in addition to the privacy legislations in the countries where we operate. We are also continuously implementing the new Data Protection Regulation.

Why are we processing your personal information?

In order to be able to take care of our relationships with our clients, and to be able to take care of our obligations towards our clients, we would require some information about you in regards to your role as a contact at the client or a user of a service. Our goal with this is:

a) Give offers on programs and services which clients or potential clients have asked for

b) Inform about and present program and service offers that are closely related to the services and programs, which the client is already using.

c) Supply services in accordance to an agreement with a client

d) Offer support to the users of our programs, and services.

e) Improve the quality of our programs, services and websites

f) Discover and prevent security risks and do maintenance and finding errors

g) Prevent misuse of our programs and services

h) Communicate information which is relevant for our services in particular and our client relations in general.

i) Process orders, billing, payments and other economic follow-up of our clients.

j) Payment of programs and services purchased via IP Dots

k) To be able to administer your access to our web based services (cloud services)

Processing in regards to the above stated purposes (a to k) are necessary in order for us to be able to deal with our relations with our clients. We would therefore not request for additional permission for each part of processing your personal data. We do not believe the processing has any detrimental affect upon you in any way.

Besides that we also gather information about you as a contact person or as a user of a service for the following purpose:

L) To promote new products and services

If you are looking for work, we also gather information to be able to:

m) Analyze your abilities and background

n) Evaluate your potential as an employee

The basis for our processing of personal information for the above mentioned purposes (l-n) is based on your voluntary acceptance of such. Your acceptance can freely be given on your website, when it is relevant. Notice that the collection of individual personal information is necessary for the user to be able to access many of our programs and services. To be able to protect your safety and ours, we will also save information about you, when you are visiting our premises. You will be informed about your rights in this case, when you are registering yourself into our electronic visit system.

How do we collect your personal information?

Generally IP Dots collects its data directly from your or other people that are connected to the client company where you are employed. These people can be a leader or a colleague. If the client works with purchasing our services or products via a partner company, we can gather information about you from the partner company.

We will also, with your acceptance, use cookies, and other tracking technology when you use IP Dots sites to be able to optimize your experience of these. See the section about automatic data collecting tools to get more information about these technologies and your rights in this regard.

In some cases we can also gather information about you from other legitimate sources, if you have given your acceptance that the party that is gathering your personal information can share it with others. These sources can be third party data groups, market partners, public sources or third party social networks.IP Dots will be able to combine personal data about you from a source with data from another source. This gives us a more full picture of your as a contact persona, which also gives us the possibility to service you in a more relevant manner with a larger degree of personalization.

Automatic data collection tools

IP Dots uses a lot of technologies to collect information about your activities on the internet and interests and preferences that you have given permission to.

Google products

Google Analytics

This cookie allows us to see information about the users website activities, including, but not limited to page views, source and time used on a website. The information is depersonalized and shown as numbers, which means that it can not be tracked back to individuals. This contributes to protecting your privacy. By using Google Analytics we can see which content is popular on our website and will strive to give you more of the things that you enjoy to read and look at.

Google remarketing

Place cookies on your computer, which means that Google after leaving our website can show you relevant ads, which you might be interested in, based on your previous actions on our website. This information is not personally identifiable.

Google Adwords

By using Google Adwords code we can see which pages have contributed to leads from contact forms. This gives us the possibility to use our paid search budget in a more effective manner. This information is not personally identifiable.

You can prevent that information from Google cookies, about your use of our websites, from being collected and processed by Google in the future, by downloading and installing Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on to your current web browser. This add-on is available at

Which personal information do we process?

The type of data IP Dots process about you can be:

The contact information about yourself and the client, such as name, address, phone number and email.

Employment information about yourself at the client company such as job titel, position, including preferences and interests in professional correlation.

Feedback, comments or questions about us as a supplier or regarding our services.

Content, such as images or video

Unique user information such as login-id, user name, password and security questions.

Financial information such as credit card information

Traffic information as declared by your web browser, such as browser type, language and address of the website, where you came from, and other traffic information such as IP-address, the IP will although be anonymized as much as possible, to limit the association with certain users.

Hotjar site-actions such as which links you click on and when. These data are totally anonymous and are therefore not personally identifiable nor can be associated with a certain individual.

Other personal data in your profile on a third party social network such as Facebook

IP Dots can in certain occasions compare an IP-address gathered with a geographic map service to be able to ascertain your general position. If you make content, comment or anything like that on any public forum or website, such information can be read and used by anyone that has access to the site and be used for purposes that neither we nor you have any control over. We are not responsible for the information that you snd on any such forum or websites. We will not send any comments, statements or anything like that made by you without your previous consent. As responsible for data management we do not process sensitive personal information about you.

How do we share your personal information?

It is important for us that we give you the best possible service and overall experience. The purpose is to ensure that you have access to the relevant information in time and that you are not contacted more often than necessary.

IP Dots does not share your personal data with third parties that have as its purpose to use the data for marketing purposes if you have not given your acceptance for this. We can share your personal information with third parties for other purposes, but only in the circumstances shared below:

Business partners

IP Dots can share your personal information with our partners if this is legitimate from a business perspective. For instance, if you purchase a program or a service on behalf of your employer, which we deliver through one of our certified partners.

Public authorities

Police and other authorities can demand handing over personal information. In this case we will only give up the data, if there is a warrant for it.

Your rights

You have rights

In this section you can read that all people that we have personal data about have a number of rights

· the right to get wrong personal data corrected

  • the right to get insight into personal data and get a copy
  • the right to get personal data erased
  • the right to demand a limitation of the treatment
  • the right to make an objection against processing
  • the right to withdraw accept
  • the right to demand information about transfer to countries and organizations outside of the European Union
  • the right to receive information about how we treat personal data
  • the right to avoid profiling
  • the right to complain over our treatment of personal data

The right to not receive marketing communication

You have the right to not receive marketing communication from ip dots and can do so by

a) Follow the guidance about opt-out in the relevant marketing communication

b) Change your opt-in / op-out preferences under the relevant editing account section, if you have an account with IP Dots or

c) Contact us by email

Notice that even though you will not receive marketing communication, you can still receive administrative messages from us, such as billing information and information about your account (such as account confirmations and change of password)

Access and corrections

You have the right to request a copy of your personal data. You can send us a request for that.

Data security and conservation

How do we ensure your personal information

IP Dots takes the trust you place in us seriously. We are obligated to prevent unauthorized access, publication or other deviant treatment of your data. We are furthermore obligated to ensure the

correct usage of the information, to maintain data integrity and ensure data accessibility. As a part of our obligations we use reasonable and appropriate physical, technical and administrative procedures and measures to protect the information we gather and process. We have implemented a number of security measures, including:

Secure environment – we save your data in secure environments, which are only accessible to our employees and sub suppliers as needed. We also adhere to the generally accepted standards in the industry.

Encryption of sent information – We use the standard encryption within the industry to provide protection of the information, sensitive or otherwise, sent via the internet (for instance when you or another party sends a message via a contact form on a website)

Be aware that these protections are not applicable for personal data that you yourself chose to share in public forums, such as for instance community pages.

You also have the right to request that we change various inaccuracies in your personal data. Alternatively you can send us a request to correct your data.

How long do we store your personal data?

IP Dots only keeps your personal data as long as necessary for the given purpose, while at the same time making sure our needs to answer requests or solve problems and maintain legal requirements according to current legislation.

This means that we can keep your personal information in a reasonable amount of time after your last interaction with us. When the personal data we gather is no longer required in this manner, we destroy or erase it in a secure manner. We can treat the data for statistical purposes, but in such cases the data will be anonymized.

Subsupplier and export of personal information

In some cases IP Dots will use sub suppliers to treat personal data, and we can export your or our customers data outside of the EU. These sub suppliers are typically suppliers of cloud services or other IT-hosting services. When you use cookie sub suppliers, we will always make a data processing agreement (DPA) to protect your personal rights and / or fulfill our obligations towards our clients.

If the data processing is done outside of the EU, we ensure ourselves that the DPA is based on the EU stand contract regulations or that the data importer is certified according to the EU / US privacy shield, if in the USA. In such cases we will also inform our clients of the export of data. We are not responsible for giving such information to the registered, if the data is controlled by our clients.