Domain Name Monitor

Monitor your brand

Few organizations would benefit, or even have sufficient budget, to secure their brand on all existing TLDs. For most organizations, this would also mean a great deal of defensive domain name registrations with the sole purpose of protecting your brand on otherwise irrelevant markets. Domain name monitoring is a cost-effective alternative to defensive domain name registrations. We, therefore, recommend that you only register domain names, where it makes sense and adds value, namely on all relevant markets – and let a monitoring solution keep an eye on the rest.

Our Domain Monitor solution monitors almost all existing TLDs – and you will be notified when a third party registers a domain name that contains your brand.

With a Domain Monitor you are notified in due time and have the opportunity to act quickly before any damage is done to your brand.

FREE monitoring report

We would like to offer you a complementary baseline report, which provides a comprehensive  overview of all existing 3rd party domain names containing your brand.

    Full-Service solution

    With a Domain Monitor solution, you will initially receive a baseline report that offers you a complete overview of all existing domain name registrations containing your brand.

    Subsequently, you will receive a report with new findings, either weekly or monthly.

    A Domain Monitor can be configured so that in addition to an identical match, it also searches for matches with misspelling or typos.

    Vores Spidskompetencer

    Vores afgørende spidskompetence er vores tætte og ærlig samarbejde med vores kunder. 
    Dette er også grunden til at vi stadig stolt kan sige, at ingen kunder endnu har valgt os fra.

    For at du nemmere kan få et overblik over mulighederne er det altid helt uforpligtende at tage kontakt til os og få et pristjek. 
    Så kan vi sammen danne os et overblik over, hvilke muligheder der måtte være og ikke mindst, hvordan vi løser opgaven bedst muligt.


    Contact your dedicated advisor directly by email or mobile phone 24/7.

    20 Years’ Experience

    Your personal advisor has minimum 20 years’ experience with domain name strategy and digital brand protection.

    Danish Support

    You can contact our support team in Danish or English- and you are guaranteed a response within a few hours.


    We customize a service set-up to match your unique situation and needs.