SSL Certificates
Why SSL?
Protect your brand and users with an SSL certificate. An SSL certificate can verify your organization’s identity and protect against theft of, and tampering with, sensitive information, such as login or credit card details, by encrypting it. Therefore, an SSL certificate adds security, and it will ultimately mean more completed sales in a webshop, as well as secure communication via webmail, VPN, Intranet, etc.
Our technical specialists help you select the correct certificate which offers maximum protection in any situation.
We offer the market’s most popular and secure brands, known and trusted by users worldwide.

FREE SSL audit
We would like to offer you a complementary review of your existing SSL certificates and provide our recommendations in relation to maximum protection.

SSL Validation
Domain Validation (DV)
The certificate authority solely confirms that the applicant is in control of the specific domain name. The identity of the organization is not confirmed on the certificate, which means that the user has no guarantee that the organization behind the application is who it claims to be – and, thus, no guarantee that the website is genuine. This type of certificate does not necessarily give the user confidence in the website. On the other hand, DV certificates are cheap and are often issued within minutes or hours.
Organizational Validation (OV)
The certificate authority carries out a verification of the organization behind the application. Both to confirm the identity and existence of the organization – and to confirm they are in control of the specific domain name. Thus, the identity of the organization can also be confirmed on the certificate itself and will be visible to users. This type of certificate will offer a much higher level of confidence in the website as well as trust in the organization behind it. OV certificates cost a little more and take a little longer to issue.
Extended Validation (EV)
The certificate authority carries out an extra thorough verification of the organization behind the application. This is done both to confirm the identity and existence of the organization, as well as to confirm they have control over the specific domain name. Last but not least this is done to ensure that the person who ordered the certificate also exists and is part of the organization. Thus, the identity of the organization can also be confirmed on the certificate itself and will also be visible to users. This type of certificate offers the highest level of confidence in the website and trust in the organization behind it. EV certificates are typically the most expensive and may, due to additional verification, take several days to issue.
SSL and visibility
Google has since 2017 called for “HTTPS everywhere” and to motivate organizations to adopt this initiative, Google has decided that websites protected with SSL certificates (HTTPS), all else being equal, will be ranked higher than websites without SSL (HTTP).
Google encourages everyone to switch from HTTP to HTTPS so we can all interact more securely on the Internet.
Google Chrome, and other search engines, take this initiative a step further and categorize websites not protected by SSL certificates as “not secure”, whether sensitive information is shared or not. A categorization of such nature will obviously reduce trust – and can ultimately damage your brand.
Vores Spidskompetencer
Vores afgørende spidskompetence er vores tætte og ærlig samarbejde med vores kunder.
Dette er også grunden til at vi stadig stolt kan sige, at ingen kunder endnu har valgt os fra.
- Du sparer tid og omkostninger på administrativt arbejde. De fleste kunder sparer imellem 25-50% på deres budget, fordi vi levere konkurrencedygtige priser og et arbejde i høj kvalitet.
- Vi leverer individuel rådgivning og vejledning på baggrund af over 10 års brancheerfaring.
- Du får én direkte kontaktperson, som altid sidder med overblikket over din løsning
- Objektiv, ærlig og proaktiv rådgivning
- Du får direkte adgang til support 24 timer i døgnet.
- Et samarbejde som bliver 100% tilpasset dine behov og budget.
For at du nemmere kan få et overblik over mulighederne er det altid helt uforpligtende at tage kontakt til os og få et pristjek.
Så kan vi sammen danne os et overblik over, hvilke muligheder der måtte være og ikke mindst, hvordan vi løser opgaven bedst muligt.
SSL Manager
Simple and secure management of your SSL portfolio in our user-friendly interface.
Brand Flexibility
Choose freely between the leading brands – we carry them all.
Fair Prices
We offer SSL certificates at very competitive prices
Danish Support
You can contact our support team in Danish or English – and you are guaranteed a response within a few hours.